So with Nick Flower on UI, Brad Hircock on marketing and myself coding we built an iPhone utility app called 'Come Get Me'. A one click SMS builder for requesting pick up from your current location using CoreLocation (GPS/network triangulation).
We got the domain name and thanks to Brad and Nick a nice splash page and twitter account set up.
Potentially a useful SOS utility when needing a pick up in situations where it's difficult to make a phone call. E.G. a nightclub. Using Google reverse Geolocation it can fairly accurately autofill your location and provide a maps link in the SMS using the Google URL shortener API.
We chucked some analytics into the app, as well as a feed back form, so we may change / add functionality and/or design depending on the popularity and demographics usage.
The copy to go on the app store description:
The app will help you to forget those awkward conversations where you have to explain where you are and how you got there, instead the app will do that for you. Come Get Me detects your location and remembers your favourites so all you have to do is tap a single button when you need to be picked up.
If you find us a bug or have a suggestion for improvement let us know using the feedback button below.
Click Come Get Me, sends a link to your location on Maps Instantly via SMS to your car owner (mate, Mum, Dad, girlfriend, office assistant) of choice.
This is the first release, please give feedback on how we can improve this app!
This app brought to you by Brad, Dave and Nick