Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Linkedin API with OAuthStarterKit

An iOS app I've been working on at work, requires me to use OAuth with linkedin, to use the app users data for autofilling in a job application

I started with git:

And immediately got the error "signature_invalid" returned, when calling for any specific field selections.

 I eventually sussed it and answered my own question in how to get it to give me the users authorized data including their email, telephone, address, job history etc etc.

The raised question was here:

The profile usage link here:

I'm able to get the users email address which conflicts with official information from Linkedin's site (Depending on where you look) e.g. here a Linked in staff member explains that email is not given out to protect their users:


BenZoid said...

I followed your post on stackoverflow, and cannot get it to work as you describe.

CAn you provide some source or exact instructions? I got around the signature error fast enough but the issue i have is that the scope paramters have no effect.

I am not asked for more permissions.

nofxonline (at) gmail (dot) com

Unknown said...

Hey mate, sorry only just read this now, give us a bell on skype: david.van.dugteren if you're still having problems with the linkedin api.